Photographing Timber & Grey Bespoke Signage
Earlier in the year I received a lovely parcel in the post and it brought me a humongous sense of pride and a sense of reality - in a really good way!
I unwrapped my very own business logo sign carefully made by Timber and Grey!
It may sound bizarre because I made my own logo, so I should be quite used to seeing it all the time on my own website, on all the printed material I have produced... but seeing it on a beautiful acrylic sign in this way really made me realise that I once had this crazy idea that I could go and be a photographer, and now here I am actually doing it!
Timber and Grey are a family run bespoke signage company based in Pembrokeshire, Wales. They produce signs with beautiful and meaningful quotes for your home, they make professional and high end business logo signs (like mine!) and signage for events like Weddings! They make all kinds of stuff and post all over the world!
The idea was that I was required to photograph this beautiful business sign (with my name all over it!). I decided to set up a little office scene at home (not hard, it is my office after all!) and I decided to add little bits to the scene that bring me one of two things: either joy or productivity. I am very much a person who likes the environment to be just right and really comfortable in order for me to do my best work. Otherwise I get continually distracted and lack creativity - not productive at all.
Alongside my keyboard and mouse, I opted for my favourite Jo Malone candle scent - Pomegranate Noir, the planner that has changed my life and approach to planning my days and weeks by Martha Brook, my lovely little Yukka plant gifted to me by a lovely friend at Christmas, my Kate of Kensington marble coaster (sadly discontinued) with my small-but-perfectly-sized-for-an-afternoon-cup-of-tea mug by Fox & Ivy.
Since then, my sign has come in very handy during my first season of trade stands! I went to Silver Leys Polo Club to exhibit my work, and rather than having to find a home for a 3m flapping banner, I opted to take with me my beautiful Timber & Grey business logo sign and pop in on an easel. I had it front and centre so the moment people walked up to chat or view my work, they knew instantly whose stand they were on. And it received lots of compliments!
The process of getting my sign was sooo easy - all I had to so was send T&G my logo as a PNG (if you're not sure what that is, you can look it up or ask T&G to advise) and they did the rest... the next thing I know, there as a knock at the door from the delivery man! Super!
These signs retail at £95 and for all the uses I'll get out of it - events, decoration at home, handy to keep in the background of videos and photos for branding where appropriate, office decoration purely just to enjoy because I can - I think that's a bloomin' good deal!
If you'd like to enquire or just have a browse at all that Timber and Grey have for sale, please do head over and give them a little look in! Support small businesses always!
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Some pictures from the final gallery below: